Living Saviour Pre-school
iving Saviour Lutheran Preschool is open to the community with morning classes for toddlers and preschoolers. You may contact the preschool directly at or call 704-542-9110. Our website is: Living Saviour Lutheran Preschool
Preschool Thank You Letter: Preschool Thank You Letter
What We Offer
- Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Program
- Music Program (All ages)
- Chapel (3 year old – TK)
- Toddlers (12 months) through TK five year olds
- Class size is limited: NC licensing ratio standards
- Experienced and dedicated teachers
- Hours are 9:30 – 1:00 – 1:20
- Class days offered – two, three, four or five
- Educational in-house field trips; TK one – two off campus field trips
- Summer program
- Tours by appointment only